♥Pensamento: hum esse novo pv do Pi hein *¬*, vai dar o que falar xD
Preview do PV Ero do Yamapi *-*, dá para fazer o DL também
creditos: akiko-sung88
[VIDEO] Music Station 13/7 - Yamapi
Um medley especial do dia 13/7 do Pi no Music Station
créditos: yinyuetai
Um medley especial do dia 13/7 do Pi no Music Station
créditos: yinyuetai
[DL] Cross Space 13/7
♥Pensamento: adorei a versão do Taecyeon de 'sexy lady' para 'sexy Wooyoung'

Option #1 stream: twitvid (aguridesu) :: youtube (0327panda03) :: youtube (ymp20120415)
Option #2: 山下智久×Love Chase 201207013.mp3 (vdisk) 18.9MB : credit to ilnt
Download: MF
Option #3 (ERO radio ver): ero 2012 radio.mp3 (2.4MB) MF cr- sumigomin*NEW*
Option #4: 15 Tomohisa Yamshita Cross Ero 20120713.m4a (43.4MB)
credits: childrengettingolder :: vdisk :: MF *NEW*
♥Pensamento: adorei a versão do Taecyeon de 'sexy lady' para 'sexy Wooyoung'
July 13, 2012 theme:『山下智久×工口』#15
『山下智久×工口』= 动力 (power)
Music: Love Chase :: ERO :: Hit the Wall :: Romantic
『山下智久×工口』= 动力 (power)
Music: Love Chase :: ERO :: Hit the Wall :: Romantic
Option #1 stream: twitvid (aguridesu) :: youtube (0327panda03) :: youtube (ymp20120415)
Option #2: 山下智久×Love Chase 201207013.mp3 (vdisk) 18.9MB : credit to ilnt
Download: MF
Option #3 (ERO radio ver): ero 2012 radio.mp3 (2.4MB) MF cr- sumigomin*NEW*
Option #4: 15 Tomohisa Yamshita Cross Ero 20120713.m4a (43.4MB)
credits: childrengettingolder :: vdisk :: MF *NEW*
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